California Discrimination Lawyers

Helping Clients Seek Justice and Recover from Workplace Discrimination

No one should have to endure discrimination in the workplace. This includes bullying, denial of benefits, wrongful termination, or being denied during the hiring process. If you have suffered employment discrimination for gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, pregnancy, or any other protected reason, you may be eligible for an employment discrimination claim.

Discrimination claims are complicated. Proving unlawful discrimination can be difficult without an attorney by your side. If you have experienced discrimination in the workplace, you need a California discrimination lawyer to help get you the results you deserve. Our legal team is highly familiar with state and federal laws, making us excellent allies in your workplace discrimination claim. We also handle Spanish calls and consultations and can support your case in Spanish every step of the way. Call 818-412-9470 today for excellent counsel and representation regarding your employment law issue.

Who Is Protected from Discrimination in California?

Being treated unfairly in the workplace can cause emotional distress and may even prevent you from providing for yourself and your family. Certain classes of people have legal rights that are protected by law. Our California discrimination attorneys can help hold your employer liable and protect your rights. Employers are not allowed to discriminate based on:

  • Race, color
  • Ancestry, national origin
  • Religion, creed
  • Age (40 and older)
  • Disability, mental and physical
  • Sex, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions) -Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity, gender expression
  • Medical condition
  • Genetic information
  • Marital status
  • Military or veteran status

When you meet with our employment discrimination lawyers, we will listen carefully to your experience and help you determine the best path forward. We will hold your employer liable for failing to provide a safe and comfortable workplace. We understand how distressing it can be to face workplace discrimination, and we are dedicated to getting you the results you deserve.

How Do You File a Discrimination Claim?

Filing discrimination claims can be overwhelming, especially if you worry about your employer retaliating against you. Your legal rights include protection against retaliation, so your employer cannot reduce your pay, deny benefits, pursue an adverse employment action, or terminate your employment following a workplace discrimination claim. There are several steps when bringing workplace discrimination claims, including:

  • Speaking with a discrimination lawyer about your experience
  • Filing a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or filing a right to sue letter with your state
  • Seeking a lawsuit to pursue justice with the help of knowledgeable discrimination attorneys

You deserve to have your voice heard and your legal rights protected. At Justice Law Corporation, we protect workers who are unfairly treated for many reasons. We will stand by your side throughout the legal process to handle the details so you can focus on providing for your family.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me Win My Discrimination Case?

If you experience discrimination, we can help you fight back. By speaking up and seeking justice, you can find peace of mind and prevent other employees from suffering in a similar way. One of the best ways to achieve a successful claim is by hiring an employment discrimination lawyer. Your attorney will investigate to uncover evidence of workplace discrimination and determine how this illegal activity has affected you. They can work to recover lost wages and damages for pain and suffering as a result of workplace discrimination. A lawyer can also advise you on how various state and federal laws impact your case. At our law firm, we operate under a contingency fee arrangement, so you don’t owe us anything until we win. Call now for peace of mind about taking legal action for your discrimination based on protected categories.

Should You Hire Our Discrimination Lawyers in California?

Victims of discrimination based on protected classes deserve to be heard and defended. When you hire an experienced lawyer at our law firm, you can rest assured that we will act aggressively in your best interest at every step of the way. We will fight to recover lost wages, punitive damages, and other compensation for the suffering you’ve gone through.

Our team of lawyers has extensive experience fighting for female workers, members of the LGBTQ+ community, victims of discrimination based on national origin, and other protected classes. We are prepared to handle your case no matter what obstacles you’re facing. We will listen compassionately to your story and help you understand your legal options.

Please don’t go it alone when seeking justice following an experience with discrimination in the workplace. You deserve the best help when it comes to recovering damages for your suffering. Reach out to our caring, capable legal team today by calling 818-412-9470. We offer a free consultation, so you have nothing to lose by calling today. También ofrecemos servicios en español.