Washington Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Are you a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace? Call our law firm immediately for help seeking justice in your sexual harassment case.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only illegal, but it’s also a violation of your basic rights as an employee and a human being. At Justice Law Corporation, we stand with hardworking individuals who have been subjected to harassment, and we’re committed to helping you seek the justice you deserve. No one should feel unsafe or uncomfortable at work, and if you’ve experienced sexual harassment, you have the right to take action.

Our law firm is here to fight for your rights, holding employers accountable for the hostile environments they allow. We believe that every employee deserves to feel safe and respected in their workplace, regardless of their position or the power dynamics at play.

Sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of unwanted or inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature that creates a hostile, uncomfortable, or intimidating work environment. It can be subtle or overt, and it may come from supervisors, co-workers, clients, or anyone else you interact with in the course of your job. Whether the harassment happens once or repeatedly, it is unlawful, and you have the right to a safe workplace free from such behavior.

Types of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can take two primary forms: quid pro quo harassment and hostile work environment harassment.

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

“Quid pro quo” is a Latin phrase meaning “this for that,” and refers to a situation where employment decisions are tied to an employee’s response to sexual advances. This form of harassment occurs when a person in a position of authority—such as a supervisor or manager—makes requests for sexual favors in exchange for job-related benefits. These benefits might include a raise, promotion, positive performance reviews, or even continued employment. Conversely, if the employee refuses the advances, the harasser may retaliate by withholding opportunities or terminating employment.

Quid pro quo harassment is particularly damaging because it exploits the imbalance of power in the workplace, placing employees in unfair and coercive situations where their livelihood may feel dependent on compliance. Even a subtle suggestion that advancement is contingent upon a personal relationship can be enough to create a quid pro quo situation.

Hostile Work Environment Harassment

A hostile work environment occurs when unwanted behavior of a sexual nature becomes so pervasive or severe that it disrupts an employee’s ability to perform their job. This type of harassment doesn’t require a direct exchange of favors but instead involves a pattern of behavior that creates an intimidating or offensive atmosphere. A hostile work environment can arise from a single egregious act or a series of repeated, smaller actions that accumulate over time.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

  • Unwanted Sexual Advances: Persistent attempts to initiate romantic or sexual interactions despite clear rejections.
  • Requests for Sexual Favors: Direct or implied requests for sexual activities in exchange for workplace benefits.
  • Verbal Harassment: Inappropriate sexual comments, innuendos, jokes, or remarks about appearance.
  • Physical Harassment: Unwelcome physical contact, including touching, groping, or brushing against someone intentionally.
  • Sharing Inappropriate Content: Displaying or sending sexually explicit images, messages, or videos.
  • Retaliation for Rejecting Advances: Punitive actions such as reduced hours, denied promotions, or termination after rejecting sexual advances.

How We Help Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment

At Justice Law Corporation, we are dedicated to giving a voice to employees who have been silenced by fear, intimidation, or retaliation. Our legal team understands how difficult it can be to come forward, especially when your job and livelihood are at stake. That’s why we’re here to offer the guidance and support you need to stand up for your rights.

It can feel overwhelming to stand up against a powerful employer or to speak out when you’ve been wronged at work. But you don’t have to go through this alone. We are passionate about representing our clients, hardworking employees who just want to do their jobs without facing abuse or harassment.

When you come to us, we’ll listen to your story, review the facts of your case, and help you determine the best course of action. We understand the emotional and financial toll that workplace harassment can take, and we’ll fight to get you fairly compensated for the harm you’ve endured.

What Should You Do If You’ve Been Harassed at Work?

If you’ve experienced sexual harassment in your workplace, it’s crucial to take action quickly. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your rights:

  • Document the Harassment:
    Keep a record of any inappropriate behavior, including dates, times, locations, and any communications you’ve had with the harasser. Save emails, text messages, or other forms of evidence that show the harassment.
  • Report the Harassment:
    If you feel safe doing so, report the harassment to your supervisor, human resources department, or a higher authority within your company. Many companies have policies in place to investigate and address sexual harassment claims. However, if you fear retaliation or if the company fails to take appropriate action, contacting a lawyer is often the best next step.
  • Contact an Employment Attorney:
    An experienced employment attorney, like those at Justice Law Corporation, can help you understand your rights and the legal options available to you.

What Compensation Can You Recover?

If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment at work, you may be entitled to compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. This compensation can cover:

  • Lost Wages
  • Emotional Distress
  • Punitive Damages

We understand that no amount of compensation can undo the harm caused by harassment, but holding the responsible parties accountable can provide a sense of justice and closure.

If you’ve been subjected to sexual harassment at work, don’t wait. Time is often a critical factor in protecting your rights and building a strong case. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the sooner we can start gathering evidence and working on your behalf. Call us for a free consultation today at 818-412-9470.