California Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Helping Clients Seek Justice and Find Peace of Mind

As a California employee, you have a right to a workplace free from unlawful behavior, including sexual advances, unwanted sexual conduct, sexual comments, quid pro quo harassment, and other behavior that creates a hostile work environment. When harassment occurs, it can be scary to take legal action and confront the person harassing you. However, standing up for your rights and ensuring your employer complies with state and federal laws is important.

Our team of attorneys is proud to stand up and protect employees who are the victims of unwelcome sexual advances in many forms. We will stand by your side and assist you in holding your employer accountable. We can help you recover damages for lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

If you or a loved one is suffering because of unwelcome and inappropriate touching or other sexual harassment, please call the Justice Law Corporation right away. We will listen carefully and compassionately to your story and will seek justice no matter what obstacles we face. We have helped many sexual harassment victims and will apply our knowledge and experience to your case.

Call 818-412-9470 to schedule your free consultation. We operate on a contingency basis, so you won’t owe us any money unless we win your case.

How Is Sexual Harassment Defined in California Law?

California sexual harassment cases come in several varieties. In some cases, an employer violates the law by not providing sexual harassment training or literature to prevent a hostile environment in the workplace. Other times, the victim is retaliated against for reporting sexual harassment. Some other commonly seen forms of sexual harassment include quid pro quo, pervasive behavior, failing to investigate claims of sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when someone higher in the company offers favors for sexual actions. For example, if the defendant offered a job, raise, or other benefits to illicit sexual favors, they may be guilty of sexual misconduct. Quid pro quo also occurs when a boss or manager threatens to fire an employee for not complying with unwanted physical conduct.

Pervasive Behavior

Another form of sexual harassment is when the overall environment is affected by one or more individual’s pervasive comments or behavior of a sexual nature. This includes individuals who are sexually harassed based on their gender or sexual orientation. Hiring a sexual harassment lawyer is one of the best ways to gather evidence and prove that you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment or sex discrimination.

Sexual Assault or Battery

Outright sexual assault or battery among employees and employers is also subject to punishment. Our California sexual harassment lawyers can help you prove that you have experienced sexual harassment.

 Failure to Investigate 

Some employers break the law by failing to investigate claims of sexual harassment. Maybe you’ve reported a coworker or another employee for illegal behavior, only to have it swept under the rug or ignored. Our team will help you prove that you reported the sexual harassment and that your employer did not take the necessary steps to keep you safe.

What Rights Do California Employees Have?

California law protects employees from sexual harassment. Whether an employee is harassed by a supervisor, company owner, coworker, client, or customer, the employer is responsible for correcting the issue and ensuring a safe environment for all employees. Employers must also provide an anti-harassment policy, including training to prevent harassment in the workplace. If the harassment is not corrected or compensated, the victim can hold the employer liable for damages.

You do not have to put up with an abusive environment at your workplace. You can pursue legal action and get compensated for your injuries. Speaking up takes courage. Contact our legal team today to see whether what you’ve experienced is considered sexual harassment so you can seek justice.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been Harassed at Work?

This is a difficult situation. You need an employment lawyer who understands California law, will advocate for you, and can pursue justice on your behalf.

Some actions you can take to combat the harassment you’re facing and increase your chances of a successful sexual harassment lawsuit include:

  • Keep track of all communication between yourself and the abuser
  • Tell the person in clear terms that their behavior is unwanted unless you feel uncomfortable or threatened talking to them
  • Report the sexual harassment to your employer
  • Discuss your situation with a California sexual harassment lawyer

Sexual harassment attorneys can help you identify ways your rights were violated by your employer and help you seek compensation for damages. Call Justice Law Corporation for compassionate sexual harassment attorneys who will stand by your side throughout your legal proceedings.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer to Help in My Sexual Harassment Claim?

Confronting someone about workplace sexual harassment can be frightening. You may be confused about what is legally defined as sexual harassment, and your abuser may make you feel like you’re overreacting. If your employer doesn’t help rectify the situation, you should speak with a California sexual harassment attorney about how to proceed.

A sexual harassment lawyer can help with various aspects of your case, including:

  • Assessing the situation by listening to your description and investigating for further evidence
  • Offering excellent legal counsel based on decades of experience
  • Helping you determine whether to pursue legal action
  • Fighting wrongful termination and other retaliation
  • Identifying whether your employer failed to provide a safe workplace environment, including not having a sexual harassment policy or training
  • Securing compensation for your emotional distress, pain and suffering, and more

An employment law firm is a great resource for learning more about how to correct your hostile work environment and protect your legal rights. When you hire a California sexual harassment attorney like those at Justice Law Corporation, you can rest assured that your case will be handled with dignity and respect. Our employment lawyers will fight for fair compensation for emotional distress, lost wages, and other negative consequences of sexual harassment. Call today for your free consultation.

How Can I Increase My Chances of a Successful Workplace Sexual Harassment Case?

Harassing someone by demanding sexual acts in exchange for favors, demeaning them because of the other person’s gender or gender identity, or causing a hostile work environment by viewing pornography or making consistent inappropriate comments is illegal. You deserve to have these wrongs corrected and to be compensated for the pain and suffering you’ve experienced.

It can be difficult to prove your case without an attorney. Many harassment claims are discreet and based on he-said, she-said evidence. Our team will help you gather documentation, witness testimonies, and other items to bolster your claim. If you have experienced sexual harassment, you should know that you are not alone and that you can get help in recovering from this traumatizing experience.

You can help increase the chances of a successful sexual misconduct claim by keeping track of events as they occur, including communication with your employer to report the behavior. You should also consider speaking with a sexual harassment lawyer when determining how to proceed with your sexual harassment claim. Call our California sexual harassment attorneys today for a skilled legal team that will fight aggressively for you.

Should You Hire Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers in California?

At Justice Law Corporation, we understand how frightening it can be to bring a sexual harassment claim against a coworker or employer. We promise to stand by your side as we pursue compensation for the suffering you’ve experienced in your hostile work environment.

No one deserves to be harassed because of their gender, sexual orientation, or for any other reason. If you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment, please reach out to our employment law firm today for help. We promise to listen compassionately to your story and provide respectful services based on your unique needs.

You can reach us at 818-412-9470 to schedule a free case evaluation with our caring, capable legal team.