Justice Cares
Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault (AAFVSA)
The mission of the Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault is to stop domestic violence and sexual assault in Kern County and assist survivors in reclaiming their lives. Our purpose as an agency is to make a difference in our community by providing expertise in dealing with domestic violence and sexual assault and ensuring the safety and well-being of victims and their children by providing services that address their individual needs and prepare them for self-sufficiency. Justice Cares provided 50 women’s kits including robes, socks, blankets, umbrellas and hygiene kits during the holiday season for some of the most vulnerable in Kern County. For the children, we provided 150 coats, blankets, hot cocoa packs, and hygiene kits. We hand delivered to their headquarters located in Bakersfield.
Community Action Partnership of Kern
Justice Cares partnered with Community Action Partnership of Kern to support their programs aimed at meeting the community at their point of need thru various community projects such as M Street Navigation Center or providing wishlist items for the children of Friendship House and Schafter Locations.
The Open Door Network
The mission of the Open Door Network is to stop domestic violence and sexual assault in Kern County and to assist survivors in reclaiming their lives. Justice Cares is proud to partner with an organization who shares in our mission to advocate for and facilitate positive change that promotes a lasting impact. We provided over 150 children’s kits; each containing a blanket, coloring kit and hygiene kit, and 50 women’s kits; each containing a blanket, pair of fuzzy socks, feminine kit and hygiene kit.
Families Forward Learning Center
Families Forward Learning Center prepares families living in isolation and poverty to succeed in schools and life through a two-generation learning program. Justice Cares has partnered with Families Forward to support the students and families of Northwest Pasadena in fulfilling household essentials, holiday wish list items and back to school supplies.
The Women’s Room of Friends in Deed
Founded in 2007, The Women’s Room is the only organization in the San Gabriel Valley dedicated to serving women who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. Women can look forward to supportive services such as a shower, laundry and healthy food, as well as computer access, a place to work on arts and crafts and go on cultural field trips. It is through the security and predictability gained through this program that women succeed in making choices to improve their lives. Justice Cares served a holiday lunch with all of the fixings (turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, mac ‘n cheese, pie, cider, etc.). We also hand delivered 30 kits, each containing a full size lotion, perfume and soap from Bath & Body Works, feminine kits and fuzzy socks – included in each kit was a reusable drawstring bag.